Essay #5 -- (Philosophy 1100)

Due Date: Wednesday, June 19 (in class) 

Topic: Poverty

Morally speaking, should the availability of welfare benefits to a Canadian citizen depend upon that person's willingness to work? (Your argument should consider at least one plausible argument for, and one plausible argument against, before coming to a conclusion.)

Value: 20% 

Rules & Requirements:

Length: 900 words (+/- 75). Provide a word count (e.g., "word count = 623").  Word count limits will be strictly enforced.
Essays should be word-processed, double-spaced, "normal" font (e.g., times new roman, Arial). Use 12-point font. Staple your pages together. Please provide a cover page with your name, student number, the title of your paper, etc. No binders or plastic covers, please. Papers not meeting these requirements will be penalized.

You do not need to use outside research materials.


Important Warning About Plagiarism:

"Dalhousie University defines plagiarism as the presentation of the work of another author in such a way as to give one's reader reason to think it to be one's own. Plagiarism is a form of academic fraud.
Plagiarism is considered a serious academic offence which may lead to loss of credit, suspension or expulsion from the University, or even the revocation of a degree."
    (from Dalhousie's policy on Intellectual Honesty, April 2001)